visit News

2024 Annual Prize Draw Winners

2024 Annual Prize Draw Winners

8 December 2024

We are very pleased to announce the winners of our Vulcan XL426 Annual Prize Draw 2024.

The winning tickets were drawn by Captain John Hutchinson at our Christmas Buffet on Saturday 7 December.

See full article for details.

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XL426 is 60 Today!

XL426 is 60 Today!

23 August 2022

Our Vulcan XL426 reaches the grand age of 60 today. We hope you will join us in wishing her a very happy birthday!
XL426 first flew from the A V Roe & Co. airfield at Woodford, Cheshire, on Thursday 23 August 1962. According to her Form 4817, the flight lasted one hour and 35 minutes. A further four test flights followed before XL426 flew to RAF Scampton, Lincolnshire, to join 83 Squadron.

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XL426 To Go Back Inside Hangar 6

XL426 To Go Back Inside Hangar 6


11 June 2022

We are very pleased to report that, following discussions with London Southend Airport, XL426 will be moving back inside Hangar 6 this summer.

An appeal has been launched to raise the £30,000 needed and our aim is to have XL426 back in Hangar 6 in time for her 60th Birthday in August.

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XL426 Streams Brake Parachute for First Time in 15 Years!

XL426 Streams Brake Parachute for First Time in 15 Years!

Events Latest

Vulcan XL426 streamed a brake parachute at the Vulcan Restoration Trust's Summer Taxi-Run Event at London Southend Airport on 26 June 2021.

It was the first time XL426 had streamed a 'chute since 2008 and it was a surprise bonus for the hundreds of enthusiasts at the event.

See full article for details.

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Mayor of Southend Visits XL426

Mayor of Southend Visits XL426

2 April 2019

The Mayor of Southend-on-Sea, Derek Jarvis, and Mayoress, Valerie Jarvis, together with other Southend Council dignitaries visited XL426 on 2 April.

They spent time viewing the iconic bomber and toured the Trust's workshops, where a replacement engine is in the final stages of being readied to be installed in the Vulcan.

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XL426 On The Move

XL426 On The Move


8 December 2018

XL426 carried out two successful taxi-runs at London Southend Airport on the afternoon of 8 December 2018.

The runs were part of an engineering exercise and the event was not open to the public, although some lucky enthusiasts in the airport car parks got a good view of XL426 as she taxied towards Southend's runway follwoing start-up on the airport's main apron.

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Squadron Leader Joe L’Estrange

Squadron Leader Joe L’Estrange


14 January 2018

It is with great sadness that we report the passing of Squadron Leader Joe L’Estrange, Vulcan pilot extraordinaire and VRT Honorary Member, on 14 January 2018 following illness.

Joe was a vastly experienced Vulcan pilot, with 6,102 hours on type. He was renowned as a display pilot, something which put him in demand for air displays and other ceremonies (see photo).

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Slow Speed Taxi Test Completed

Slow Speed Taxi Test Completed

3 December 2017

XL426 carried out a successful slow speed taxy test at London Southend Airport on 3 December 2017.

Two power runs were carried out on the runway to a slow speed before XL426 returned the apron outside Hangar 6.

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VRT and XL426 in FlyPast

VRT and XL426 in FlyPast

1 August 2017

XL426 and the Vulcan Restoration Trust are the subjects of a four page feature in the September 2017 issue of FlyPast which went on sale on 1 August.

Titled “Queen of the South” the piece was penned by FlyPast Deputy Editor Steve Beebee who visited XL426 in her new home in London Southend Airport’s Hangar 6 on 5 July.

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XL426 Moves Inside and Hangar Appeal Launched

XL426 Moves Inside and Hangar Appeal Launched

26 May 2017

XL426 moved into Hangar 6 at London Southend Airport on Friday 26 May to begin a new life under cover after spending more than 30 years outdoors at the Essex airport.

Our volunteers, supported by the airport's staff, have spent almost a month getting the hangar ready for XL426's arrival.

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XL426 Engine run

XL426 Engine run



We are delighted to be able to show you a unique, behind the scenes, video of an engine run and systems test.

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Three Avro Sisters Together

Three Avro Sisters Together


21 August 2014

Vulcan XL426 was joined by the RAF's Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Avro Lancaster PA474 and the Canadian Warplane Heritage Museum's Avro Lancaster FM213 at London Southend Airport on a Thursday 21 August 2104.

The three Avro aircraft were lined-up on the Southend main apron for what was likely to be in a once in a lifetime photo opportunity.

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